
This page will explain how to set up object space outlines based on inverted hulls method, and how to use the smooth normal bake tools provided by ASP to improve the quality of outlines.

1. Enable ASP Mesh Outline Renderer Feature

To use object space outlines, you must add the ASP Mesh Outline Renderer Feature to the URP Renderer data. The setup process is as follows:


After adding the ASP Mesh Outline renderer feature, back to the current character's ASP Character Panel. At this time, Mesh Outline in the Check List should show Active.


<aside> 💡 The Check List in the GUI of the ASP Character Panel displays the current status of ASP Mesh Outline. If it is not enabled, you can quickly point to the current URP Renderer data by clicking the Open URP Data button.


2. Use Layer/RenderingLayerMask to control where outlines appear on the character.


The GUI under Shadow Behaviour category allows you to directly observe all the layers and rendering layer masks specified by the current ASP passes.

In the above figure, the Layer specified by the pass that draws the mesh outline is Default, and the specified rendering layer mask is Outline. Renderers that satisfy this combination will be rendered to the outline pass.

3. Adjust the MeshOutline pramaters
